Yoga Truths Ipsum

Word Lists: Yoga Truths

Tattoo on the back of my neck patagonia made my mantra i smell like patouli oil i''m pretending to be a tree yoga allows me to lead an alternative, unique lifestyle that is just like all the other yoga practitioners fuck yoga i am reconnecting with my inner self i prefer to dress up in fancy clothes and pay someone to watch me stretch fuck yoga yoga is the greatest fraud ever perpetuated against american women for the sake of vanity if you don't count the ones that killed or maimed them. i do yoga so i am better than you. patagonia's new yoga line is out!!! fake yoga: the act of using yoga for self-aggrandisement, to define personal style or to make money in the yoga business. yiilf: acronym for "yoga instructor i'd like to fuck"; an endearing or confessional term used by yoga students in private reference to their hot and/or enchanting yoga class instructor. all female yoga students dream of someday being considered a yiilf by all of the women and men in their class. i am a yoga goddess. dear yoga goddess: if you ever find a guy willing to put up with your ponderous, boner-killing, fun-destroying attitude then i'll believe that chickens have teeth. are you going to the yoga retreat next month? are yoga pants really pants? come on. i can agree that yoga pants are comfortable, but that is no reason to wear them in public. believe it or not, the same pair of yoga pants garnered me three very profitable marriages. how do you think i afford this house on the river?.
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