Yoga Glossary Ipsum

Word Lists: Yoga Glossary

A diagram or pictorial representation of a mantram. an experience of the rise of kundalini where the breath "vanishes". bhrumadhya bhuja "arm, shoulder" pida "pain, discomfort, pressure" asana "pose". breathing technique which involves hissing leading to a cooling effect upon the whole body. dandayamana bibhaktapada janushirasana dandayamana bibhaktapada paschimottanasana dugdha neti easy breath finding fullness of "god consciousness" residing in one's own nature..

Annamaya kosha antar mouna author of the yoga sutras and preacher of the eight-fold (ashtanga) yoga, name of the first writer of the yoga philosophy. bahir kumbhaka bandha bhujapidasana bow pose, backward bending yoga pose, , often used in bikram yoga. brahmacharya collecting, grasping. disciple disciple, student. eka pada koundiyanasana i final stage of yoga in which concentration becomes one with the object of concentration; supreme union, absorption, state of god consciousness, realization of one's own nature, the eighth of the eight stages of classic yoga. foot; section of a literary work..

A cleansing technique that involves the cleansing of the stomach by drinking in water and then expelling it by inducing vomiting. a female kashmiri shaivite saint and 14th century poet. a shatkarma technique - also referred as the short intestinal wash. involves the drinking of several glasses of water and the expelling it through stool after a series of exercises (asanas); in the process a thorough cleansing of the colon takes place. abhinavagupta abhinavagupta's grandmaster; a poet and mystic who composed songs in praise of shiva, known as the utpalasutravali. abhinavagupta's master. adho mukha vrksasana pose anusara yoga ardha dhanurasana asmita author of the yoga sutras and preacher of the eight-fold (ashtanga) yoga, name of the first writer of the yoga philosophy. bas baudha ajnana bhramara vedha breath retention. child's pose. contentment, one of the five niyamas, second of the eight stages of classic yoga. danta dhauti darshan divine presence governing the yamas and niyamas. downward facing dog. durga existence-knowledge-bliss. fainting or swooning breath' in which the breath is inhaled slowly and retained for an extended period. forearm stand..
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