Yoga Glossary Ipsum

Word Lists: Yoga Glossary

'bellows' breathing technique in which the breath is forcibly drawn in and out through the nose in equal proportions, like the pumping action of the bellows. a colon cleansing technique. a comfortable meditative yoga pose; also called the 'yoga easy pose' or simply the cross-legged pose. agornatha akasha alabdha bhumikatva annamaya kosha ardha asamprajnyata samadhi baddha "bound, restrained" padma "lotus" asana "pose". bhakti yoga bhastrika pranayama bhuja "arm, shoulder" pida "pain, discomfort, pressure" asana "pose". brahmarandra chakra breathing technique which involves gulping air and swallowing it into the stomach and retaining it. chela cloth woven from the wool of a species of goat that lives in the high himalayas. complete breath contentment, one of the five niyamas, second of the eight stages of classic yoga. crocodile pose. dandayamana dhanurasana dandayamana janushirasana devotion diksha divine presence governing the yamas & niyamas. eka pada galavasana energy center located in the heart region, fourth of the seven chakras. exhalation fire, the god of fire..
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