Tuna Ipsum

A fisher lorem ipsum generator


This is another ipsum generator by the Veggie/Bacon guy. My first question is who wants placeholder text that smells fishy? If I was the one with the food-based ipsum generator fetish, I would create “Fresh Based Goods Ipsum” or “Flower Ipsum.”

Described as a “fishier Lorem Ipsum generator,” you only get a single paragraph count parameter. The generated ipsum is simply names of (presumably) real fish. Once you get past the smell, it appears to actually work as placeholder text as there are varying lengths of names of fish in the world.

This one doesn’t do much for me, but it may end up on my “Restaurant Menu” ipsum generator that I am working on. Pass the bacon ipsum, please. And could I get another pint of beer ipsum?

Tuna Ipsum
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Damn it Jim, I'm meaningless text, not a doctor.